1 Save and Insert , increase time gap to catch the « Post Image » action
2 Delete contact info in Cover edit form
3 Dashboard : No subgroup under subgroup and no list of subgroup under subgroup
4 Lists : open the menu only in one list at a time
5 Lists – Members – have a Manage List Menu like in the media
6 Increase the size of the drop box , including the Drop here
7 Members – Add – remove the member in the list on the right when it is adde on the left side (mais enlever les HR qui restent and message for longer time)
8 Implement the sorting and filters for the member list (mais lowercase the input)
9 in Media , highlight the list that is currently being viewed (mais aussi si on clique sur la liste – highlight en gris)
10 Hide organization from user profile on the left menu
11 Members- display a message when adding a new user account and when adding a new member (bigger display time)
12 search for member change the icon, make it more explicit (mais aussi lorsque l’on tappe ENTER)
13 message « no user found in the system » (réduire l’espace)
14 delete post → remove the confirmation step
15 Create Member list , the cancel « X » should delete the list, as it is a cancellation, and also in the file section
16 When adding a new user → have it shown at the top of the list
17 Edit Post – only allow editing the description
18 Download all files Unse Zip (from windows) as gz cmpressed file download all (rename list with the name of the list)
19 Download all – only for files
20 Mozilla add a pin list when create a member list
21 Remove user from new group – working OK!
22 In file list, download single file right menu does not work
23 Cover Page Russian Description (check if also works with subgroups)
(crash when switching langiage to russian)
24 ABOUT add a line space before the intro text
25 Media Access place a note to explain what « public », « region » , « group » means – to all internet user via the link
26 Moving a list to subgroup should actually be Copy the list to subgroup – not a move (but list is pinned twice need a message and close menu afterwards)
There is a mess up between the parent list and the child list
27 once copied, the list should show the number of items(difference local/online)
28 once copied the new list contains the entities twice and not the translations
29 Create a publication as coworker 1rst time « save as draft »
30 Document, event, news : when not admin the saved as draft should not be published
31 Document, event, news : Access rights to publish for Coworker
32 Save as Draft (only for coworker)
33 Admin should bypass the workflow for publishing and should have SAVE directly (submitted is written with « TT » ) !!! for News and events too
submitted header for Admin must be there
34 It should be possible for a coworker to enter a new Tag when publishing a document
35 insert Media in publication as Coworker
36 Coworker should be able to edit publication initiated by Admin
37 Document can have more than one tag
38 coworker should not be allowed to delete a publication
39 after deletion of publication → come back to publication (and after cancelling deletion too)
40 When publishing a document, all the included media should become of public accessible
41 coworker landing page after saving new document
42 coworker first save as Draft, then can submit for approval, then the Admin can publish the publication (document/event/news)
43 possible to Insert image media in document as coworker when creating the document, when re-opening the document .
44 The publication is in the public site (Document/Event/News)
45 Translate a publication – all cases checked
46 Indentation in the group navigator to show subgroups in the left navigation menu
47 Data-source type (for document)
48 Email for new user account should contain a link to the site (not simply text)
49 Deleting the list with Mozilla – needs to be done twice
50 Creating the list with Firefox should be pinned
51 Publication and stakeholders Create New List must be Pined
52 New Stakeholder Draft icon in the list Edit Stakeholders
53 Download all Make it more robust to address the variety of cases (e.g. COP1). verify that all files exists before compressing
54 Notifications for new Document, new Event, new News, new Individual, New Organization, new file
55 User Manage List – More Members (works)