Caspian Sea Region
Description of the Caspian Sea Region.
About the Tehran Convention
History and development of the Convention.
Text of the Tehran Convention
Full text of the Convention.
Projects supporting the Tehran Convention.
Tehran Convention Protocols
Thematic Protocols developed under the Tehran Convention.
Meetings and COPs
Past and upcoming Tehran Convention meetings and Conferences of the Parties.
Key Convention Documents
Other official documents under the Tehran Convention.
Cooperation and Partnerships
Ongoing cooperation and partners in support of the Tehran Convention.
Tehran Convention Secretariat administered by the UN Environment Programme.
National Focal Points and Liaison under the Tehran Convention.
This section contains a database of stakeholders engaged in the protection and use of the Caspian Sea environment. Search by country and sector to find descriptions and contacts of all registered organizations.
010000Astana29, SyganakKazakhstan
Sandugash Abdizhalelova
060000Atyrau3, SatpaevKazakhstan
130000Mangistau regionAktau14 mkr, bld 70Kazakhstan
010000Astana19, Kabanbay BatyrKazakhstan
oil leak dispersion
AlmatyAlmatyMendicula str 232/5Kazakhstan
091115West Kazakhstan regionPodstepnoe1, DorozhnayaKazakhstan
V. Laz'ko