This section contains a database of stakeholders engaged in the protection and use of the Caspian Sea environment. Search by country and sector to find descriptions and contacts of all registered organizations.
- Azerbaijan National Academy of SciencesНациональная академия наук Азербайджана
Baku, Azerbaijan
- Competences
Обеспечивает реализацию государственной политики в области науки.
- Sector
- Address
30, Istiglaliyyat St.
Azerbaijan- Phone
- +99412 5392693
- Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Fishery InstituteАНИРИ
Baku, Azerbaijan
- Competences
Проводит подробное изучение наиболее ценных рыб Кура-Каспийского бассейна, а также рыб в реках Азербайджана
- Sector
- Address
10 Haydar Aliyev Av.
Azerbaijan- Phone
- +99412 496 22 80
- Caspian Complex Environmental Monitoring AdministrationДККЭМ
Baku, Azerbaijan
- Competences
Обеспечивает научную идентификацию экологических критериев количественных и количественных показателей антропогенного воздействия на окружающую среду, мониторинга, прогнозирования, мониторинга процессов, создания, управления системами мониторинга и эффективного использования природных ресурсов в участке Каспийского моря, входящий в Азербайджанскую Республику,
- Sector
- Address
3 Khudu Mammadov St.
Azerbaijan- Phone
- +99412 371 54 10
- Commission for the conservation and rational use of aquatic biological resources and management of shared stocks of such resources of the Caspian Sea,
- Competences
Commission for the conservation and rational use of aquatic biological resources and management of shared stocks of such resources of the Caspian Sea is responsible for implementation of the Astrakhan Agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea (2014). It provides for the possibility for the Commission to take decisions binding on the States parties to the Agreement.
The Commission is aimed at coordinating activities for the conservation, reproduction, rational use of joint aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea, annual determination of the total allowable catches and distribution of national quotas. Its competences also include regulation of fishing and conservation of shared aquatic biological resources on the basis of restrictions, which may include the prohibition of fishing in certain areas and in relation to certain types of resources for certain periods.
- Sector
- Committee for Emergency SituationsКЧС МВД РК
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
ул.Мангилик ел, 2 подъезд
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 602133
- Committee for Environmental Regulation and ControlКЭРК МЭ РК
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
ул. Мангилик ел 8, 14 подъезд
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 8 7172 74 08 55
- Committee on Water ResourcesКВР МСХ РК
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
ул. Мангилик ел 8
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 87172 74 98 54
- Members
Serik Sarsekeev
Head of Department- Coordinating Committee on Hydrometeorology of the Caspian SeaCASPCOM,
- Competences
Initially the main reason for CASPCOM establishment was the need for cooperation in the field of environment monitoring to deal with negative consequences of rapid sea level rise in 1980-1990, which led to flooding coastal territories. Since 1995 the sea level changes marginally, however significance of CASPCOM does not decrease because of fast development of economic activities in the region and in the water area of the sea.
Alongside with this, hydrometeorological information is essential for environmental protection, conservation of Caspian Sea biodiversity and efficient use of its natural resources. Now hydrometeorologists and ecologists are interacting more closely: due to the signing of the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian States in 2014 there emerged a legal basis for the cooperation with the Tehran Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea.
- Sector
- Department for Climate ChangeДИК
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
19, Kabanbay Batyr
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 7172 74-02-58
- Department for Emergency Response of the Committee for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
ул. Мангилик ел 8, 2 подъезд
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 7172 602109
- Department for International Cooperation and Economic IntegrationДЖСЭИП МЭ РК
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
ул. Мангилик ел 8, 14 подъезд
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 8 7172 74 08 55
- Website
- Department for Protection of Biological Resources and Development of Specially Protected Nature AreasДБРОПТ
Baku, Azerbaijan
- Competences
Обеспечивает защиту биологических ресурсов и развитию особо охраняемых природных территорий
- Sector
- Address
100A B. Aghayev St.
Azerbaijan- Phone
- +99412 492 73 69
- Department for Reproduction and Protection of Aquatic BioresourcesДВОВБ
Baku, Azerbaijan
- Competences
Обеспечивает контроль за использованием и защитой рыб и других водных биоресурсов.
- Sector
- Address
10 Haydar Aliyev Av.
Azerbaijan- Phone
- +99412 566 64 96
- Department of Environmental Monitoring and InformationДЭМИ
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
-32/1, Kabanbai Batyr Avenue
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 7172 74-08-09
- Department of Fish Resources Protection and Fisheries RegulationУОРРРР
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
-Mangilik El 8, 1 entrance
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 7172 74-99-24
- Website
- Department of International Water Relations
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
-Mangilik El 8, 1 entrance
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 7172 74-99-73
- Members
Batyrgali Deneev
Head of Department- Department of Multilateral Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of KazakhstanДМС МИД РК
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
ул.Кунаева 31
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 72 05 17
- Environmental Protection DepartmentДООС
Baku, Azerbaijan
- Competences
Осуществляет оперативный контроль за осуществлением действующего законодательства юридическими и физическими лицами Азербайджана и зарубежных стран, в том числе с использованием окружающей среды и природных ресурсов, а также в области гидрометеорологической и геологической деятельности.
- Sector
- Address
100A B. Aghayev St.
Azerbaijan- Phone
- +99412 539 67 87
- International Legal Department of the MFA of the Republic of KazakhstanМПС МИД РК
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
ул. Кунаева 31
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 8 7172 72 01 14
- Management for Adaptation and Climate RisksУАКР
Astana, Kazakhstan
- Sector
- Address
19, Kabanbay Batyr
Kazakhstan- Phone
- +7 7172 74-08-70
- Members
Ainur Kopbaeva
Head of Management