В этом разделе представлены общедоступные документы и файлы, загруженные заинтересованными сторонами и хранителями окружающей среды Каспийского моря.
- Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Pollution Action Plan (2009)вт, 06/12/2018 - 11:48The Regional Pollution Action Plan for the Caspian Sea (RPAP), has been prepared as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (hereafter: Caspian MAP)”. The project is financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU), which has as one of its objectives th
- Описание
The Regional Pollution Action Plan for the Caspian Sea (RPAP), has been prepared as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (hereafter: Caspian MAP)”. The project is financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU), which has as one of its objectives the promotion of regional co-operation on environmental protection. The overall objective of the Caspian MAP is to achieve improved quality of the marine and coastal environment of the Caspian Sea. In particular, the RPAP (current Report) provides recommendations to regional strategies for pollution reduction, with a focus on the identified Areas of Pollution Concern. The Caspian MAP also developed a proposal for a Regional Water Quality Monitoring Program.
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- 2009
- Caspian Environment Programme - Caspian Seal Conservation and Action Plan (2007)вт, 06/12/2018 - 11:45The seal is the only marine mammal in the Caspian Sea, feeding on tulkas and other small fish, and preyed upon by land animals. It is an endemic species for the Caspian Sea and is vulnerable on that point of view. During its life history the Caspian seal migrates from the frozen North Caspian waters in the winter to the Sout
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The seal is the only marine mammal in the Caspian Sea, feeding on tulkas and other small fish, and preyed upon by land animals. It is an endemic species for the Caspian Sea and is vulnerable on that point of view. During its life history the Caspian seal migrates from the frozen North Caspian waters in the winter to the South Caspian in the summer timer and back to the North to give birth to the pups on the ice. During these migration time the seals can be found everywhere in the sea.
Active conservation efforts will be required to assure the Caspian seal does not eliminate from the Earth. As a major mammal, anchoring one end of the food web, it also plays an important role in the biodiversity of the Caspian Sea and is a remarkable indicator of the Caspian ecosystems health.
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- 2007
- Caspian Environment Programme - Contaminants from Terek River into Caspian Sea (2007)вт, 06/12/2018 - 11:43In the frame of the current Project the estimation on contents of nutrients, petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols and heavy metals in water and bottom sediments in the basins of rivers Terek, Sulak and Samur over the last years was carried out. Research was conducted within a framework of the State Monitoring Programme on Roshydr
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In the frame of the current Project the estimation on contents of nutrients, petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols and heavy metals in water and bottom sediments in the basins of rivers Terek, Sulak and Samur over the last years was carried out. Research was conducted within a framework of the State Monitoring Programme on Roshydromet in the central and lower parts of the Terek delta. The data of Roshydromet standard investigations was used to assess the concentration of pollutants, namely petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, phenols, detergents, nutrients (nitrites, nitrates, ammonium and total nitrogen) and silicates, and also expenditure of river water during the estimation of their flows at hydrological Karagalinsky hydro system and
Alikazgan stations in the Terek delta. The Roshydromet data cover the period 2002-2005.- Attached documents
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- 2007
- Caspian Environmental Programme - Study and Survey Project to Determine the Fluxes of Major Contaminants from the Kura to Caspian Sea (2005)вт, 06/12/2018 - 11:39The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and Caspian Environment Programme by supporting of UNDP agreed with NGO "Ruzgyar" to organize of 1st professional level monitoring of POPs in Kura-Araks basin till Caspian Sea. "Ruzgyar" contracted professional environmental research company "Azecolab" to implem
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The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and Caspian Environment Programme by supporting of UNDP agreed with NGO "Ruzgyar" to organize of 1st professional level monitoring of POPs in Kura-Araks basin till Caspian Sea. "Ruzgyar" contracted professional environmental research company "Azecolab" to implement of standard sampling and lab analytical processes.
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- 2005
- Caspian Environment Programme - Stakeholder Analysis Revisit (2004)вт, 06/12/2018 - 11:36In 2001 the initial Caspian Regional Stakeholder Analysis was commissioned with the objective of identifying major stakeholder groups, their interests and impact on the Caspian environment. Also identification of potential conflicts between stakeholder groups was a key task of the initial study. In summer 2004 this follow-up
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In 2001 the initial Caspian Regional Stakeholder Analysis was commissioned with the objective of identifying major stakeholder groups, their interests and impact on the Caspian environment. Also identification of potential conflicts between stakeholder groups was a key task of the initial study. In summer 2004 this follow-up study was conducted in order to observe trends in stakeholder interests, perceptions and concerns as they pertain to activities of the Caspian Environment Programme.
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- 2004
- Average Precipitation & Evaporation in the Caspian Sea 2000-2015вт, 06/12/2018 - 10:53Average precipitation and evaporation in the Caspian Sea in 2000-2015. Created by Manana Kurtabadze.
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Average precipitation and evaporation in the Caspian Sea in 2000-2015.
Created by Manana Kurtabadze.
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- 2018
- 3rd Quarter Update from Azerbaijanвт, 06/12/2018 - 10:26Azeribaijan's report on activities during Q3.
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Azeribaijan's report on activities during Q3.
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- 2018
- UNDP Azerbaijan Development Program 2016-2022вт, 06/05/2018 - 15:24
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- 2018
- Ural River Delta Brochureвт, 06/05/2018 - 15:10The tourist brochure describes interesting species of flora and fauna of the Ural River Delta and the adjacent coastal zone of the Caspian Sea.
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The tourist brochure describes interesting species of flora and fauna of the Ural River Delta and the adjacent coastal zone of the Caspian Sea.
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- 2018
- Biodiversity Protection Azerbaijanвт, 06/05/2018 - 14:59
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- 2018
- Map of Sediments of the Caspian Seaвт, 06/05/2018 - 14:46Map of Sediments in the Caspian Sea Region produced by Manana Kurtrubadze.
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Map of Sediments in the Caspian Sea Region produced by Manana Kurtrubadze.
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- 2018
- Map of Tourism in the Caspian Sea Regionвт, 06/05/2018 - 14:33Map of Tourism provided by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE (2018).
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Map of Tourism provided by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE (2018).
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- 2018
- Map of Population by Number and Cities in the Caspian Seaвт, 06/05/2018 - 12:35Map of Population by Number and Cities in the Caspian Sea Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018
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Map of Population by Number and Cities in the Caspian Sea
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018
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- 2018
- Map of Oil Spill Accidents since 2000вт, 06/05/2018 - 12:30Map of Oil Spill Accidents Since 2000 Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018
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Map of Oil Spill Accidents Since 2000
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018
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- 2018
- Oil Production & Consumption 2006-2016вт, 06/05/2018 - 12:26Oil Production & Consumption 2006-2016 Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018.
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Oil Production & Consumption 2006-2016
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018.
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- 2018
- Natural Gas Production and Consumption 2006-2016вт, 06/05/2018 - 12:23Natural Gas Production and Consumption. Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018.
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Natural Gas Production and Consumption.
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018.
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- 2018
- Map of Caspian River Basinвт, 06/05/2018 - 12:07Map of the Caspian River Basin. Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze
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Map of the Caspian River Basin.
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze
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- Год
- 2018
- Caspian Air Quality Maps - 2018вт, 06/05/2018 - 12:06Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE Report 2018
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Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE Report 2018
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- 2018
- Kazakhstan Contribution to the SOEвт, 06/05/2018 - 11:52Kazakhstan Contribution to the SOE
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Kazakhstan Contribution to the SOE
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- 2018
- Azerbaijan SOE Contributionвт, 06/05/2018 - 11:48Consolidated contribution from Azerbaijan for the SOE report (2018)
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Consolidated contribution from Azerbaijan for the SOE report (2018)
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- Год
- 2018

Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Pollution Action Plan (2009)

Caspian Environment Programme - Caspian Seal Conservation and Action Plan (2007)

Caspian Environment Programme - Contaminants from Terek River into Caspian Sea (2007)

Caspian Environmental Programme - Study and Survey Project to Determine the Fluxes of Major Contaminants from the Kura to Caspian Sea (2005)

Caspian Environment Programme - Stakeholder Analysis Revisit (2004)

Average Precipitation & Evaporation in the Caspian Sea 2000-2015
3rd Quarter Update from Azerbaijan
UNDP Azerbaijan Development Program 2016-2022

Ural River Delta Brochure
Biodiversity Protection Azerbaijan

Map of Sediments of the Caspian Sea

Map of Tourism in the Caspian Sea Region

Map of Population by Number and Cities in the Caspian Sea

Map of Oil Spill Accidents since 2000

Oil Production & Consumption 2006-2016

Natural Gas Production and Consumption 2006-2016

Map of Caspian River Basin