В этом разделе представлены общедоступные документы и файлы, загруженные заинтересованными сторонами и хранителями окружающей среды Каспийского моря.
- КазМунайГазпт, 08/17/2018 - 13:03Годовой отчет за 2016 г.
- Описание
Годовой отчет за 2016 г.
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- Год
- 2016
- Современное состояние популяции севрюги Acipenser Stellatus (Pallas, 1776) реки Уралвт, 07/24/2018 - 15:08Вестник АГТУ
- Описание
Вестник АГТУ
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- Metadata
- Год
- 2016
- National Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Implementation of the Tehran Conventionпн, 07/23/2018 - 14:06Review of Kazakhstan's activities in fulfillment of obligations under the Tehran Convention
- Описание
Review of Kazakhstan's activities in fulfillment of obligations under the Tehran Convention
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- Metadata
- Год
- 2017
- Article - Long-term and seasonal Caspian Sea level change from satellite gravity and altimeter measurementsпн, 07/16/2018 - 15:43The article examines recent Caspian Sea level change by using both satellite radar altimetry and satellite gravity data. The altimetry record for 2002–2015 shows a declining level at a rate that is approximately 20 times greater than the rate of global sea level rise. Seasonal fluctuations are also much larger than in the wo
- Описание
The article examines recent Caspian Sea level change by using both satellite radar altimetry and satellite gravity data. The altimetry record for 2002–2015 shows a declining level at a rate that is approximately 20 times greater than the rate of global sea level rise. Seasonal fluctuations are also much larger than in the world oceans. With a clearly defined geographic region and dominant signal magnitude, variations in the sea level and associated mass changes provide an excellent way to compare various approaches for processing satellite gravity data.
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- Год
- 2017
- Demographic Indicators of Azerbaijanвт, 06/12/2018 - 12:27Baku 2017
- Описание
Baku 2017
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- Metadata
- Год
- 2017
- Technical-scientific meeting on the trans-boundary river basins Ural and Kigash - Astana - June 2016сб, 04/21/2018 - 12:40+12
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- Metadata
- Год
- 2016
Современное состояние популяции севрюги Acipenser Stellatus (Pallas, 1776) реки Урал
National Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Implementation of the Tehran Convention