В этом разделе представлены общедоступные документы и файлы, загруженные заинтересованными сторонами и хранителями окружающей среды Каспийского моря.
- Article - Assessing the sensitivity of Caspian Kutum - Rutilus kutum- and the endangered Caspian trout - Salmo trutta caspius - to acute toxicity of nonylphenolпн, 04/23/2018 - 19:24Toxicity tests are commonly used as a tool to determine the standards of water quality for chemicals and to discover appropriate organisms as bioindicators in toxicological studies, and also could be used as an essential tool for evaluation of the pollutant effects in aquatic ecosystems. The aim of the present study was to e
- Описание
Toxicity tests are commonly used as a tool to determine the standards of water quality for chemicals and to discover appropriate organisms as bioindicators in toxicological studies, and also could be used as an essential tool for evaluation of the pollutant effects in aquatic ecosystems. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity of two Caspian fish species, Caspian trout as an endangered species and Caspian Kutum using the static acute toxicity in response to nonylphenol, which is widely discharged into the Caspian Sea environment.
In addition, Caspian trout was approximately 6 times more sensitive than Caspian Kutum. Nonylphenol was reflected to be "highly toxic" to Caspian trout and "moderately toxic" to Caspian Kutum. The results could be considered in preparing plans for conservation and restocking management of Caspian Kutum and the endangered Caspian trout.
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- Год
- 2013
- National Caspian Action Plan of Azerbaijan Republicпт, 04/20/2018 - 15:31
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- Год
- 2007
- Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan 2015пт, 04/20/2018 - 15:25Being an annual official statistical issue reflecting processes occurred in social, economic, demographic and ecological life of the country the yearbook is prepared based on data of statistical report forms, censuses, sample surveys and other statistical observation forms received by statistical bodies from enterprises, org
- Описание
Being an annual official statistical issue reflecting processes occurred in social, economic, demographic and ecological life of the country the yearbook is prepared based on data of statistical report forms, censuses, sample surveys and other statistical observation forms received by statistical bodies from enterprises, organizations, households and natural entities as well as from ministries, committees, departments and international organizations.
The Statistical Yearbook reflecting social-economic indicators of 2014 in comparison with indicators of 2005-2013 will meet data requirements of widerange of readers and other users.
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- Год
- 2015