В этом разделе представлены общедоступные документы и файлы, загруженные заинтересованными сторонами и хранителями окружающей среды Каспийского моря.
- Demographic Indicators of Azerbaijanвт, 06/12/2018 - 12:27Baku 2017
- Описание
Baku 2017
- Attached documents
- Metadata
- Год
- 2017
- Caspian Environmental Programme - Study and Survey Project to Determine the Fluxes of Major Contaminants from the Kura to Caspian Sea (2005)вт, 06/12/2018 - 11:39The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and Caspian Environment Programme by supporting of UNDP agreed with NGO "Ruzgyar" to organize of 1st professional level monitoring of POPs in Kura-Araks basin till Caspian Sea. "Ruzgyar" contracted professional environmental research company "Azecolab" to implem
- Описание
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and Caspian Environment Programme by supporting of UNDP agreed with NGO "Ruzgyar" to organize of 1st professional level monitoring of POPs in Kura-Araks basin till Caspian Sea. "Ruzgyar" contracted professional environmental research company "Azecolab" to implement of standard sampling and lab analytical processes.
- Attached documents
- Metadata
- Год
- 2005
Demographic Indicators of Azerbaijan