This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Caspian Sea Region: Environmental IssuesSat, 21/12/2024 - 16:01At the meeting point of the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, the Caspian region includes steppe land in the north, cold, continental deserts and semi-deserts in the northeast and east, and warmer mountain and highland systems in the south and southwest. The coastal wetlands of the Caspian basin include many shallow, saline poo
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At the meeting point of the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, the Caspian region includes steppe land in the north, cold, continental deserts and semi-deserts in the northeast and east, and warmer mountain and highland systems in the south and southwest. The coastal wetlands of the Caspian basin include many shallow, saline pools, which attract a variety of bird life and biodiversity; over 400 species are unique to the Caspian. In addition, the sea's native sturgeon is famous the world around for the roe it produces: sturgeon from the Caspian Sea accounts for approximately 90% of the world's caviar industry.
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- Year
- 2003
- Report: Marine Litter in the Caspian Sea, 2005Sat, 21/12/2024 - 15:15Marine litter (ML) is a complex though solvable problem with significant implications for the marine and coastal environment and human activities all around the world. It originates from several sources, travels in many paths and finally sinks in different distances from its origin making its wide spectrum of negative enviro
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Marine litter (ML) is a complex though solvable problem with significant implications for the marine and coastal environment and human activities all around the world. It originates from several sources, travels in many paths and finally sinks in different distances from its origin making its wide spectrum of negative environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural impacts highly considerable. Despite efforts made internationally, regionally and nationally, there are indications that the marine litter problem continues to worsen.
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- Year
- 2005
- Public Participation Strategy for the Caspian Sea, 2005Sat, 21/12/2024 - 15:09Public Participation is stimulated in key international instruments such as the 1998 Aarhus Convention (Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Matters), signed and ratified by many of the Caspian Sea countries, and builds on the requirements of the Commission on Sustainable Development to promo
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Public Participation is stimulated in key international instruments such as the 1998 Aarhus Convention (Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Matters), signed and ratified by many of the Caspian Sea countries, and builds on the requirements of the Commission on Sustainable Development to promote the implementation of Agenda 21 and the follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Public participation is required within the Aarhus Convention and is in line with the principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
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- Year
- 2005
- Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme - 2012Mon, 20/02/2023 - 14:41Unified, Integrated and Affordable Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme Among the Contracting Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea was welcomed at COP4, Moscow, Russian Federation, 10-12 December 2012. The objectives of the EMP to develop a framework providi
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Unified, Integrated and Affordable Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme Among the Contracting Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea was welcomed at COP4, Moscow, Russian Federation, 10-12 December 2012.
The objectives of the EMP to develop a framework providing the necessary data and information on the Caspian environment in order to; initially provide data on the state of the Caspian environment, highlight pollution problems, provide biological related data which will support the broad objective of tracking changes of the health and diversity of ecosystems in, and adjacent to, the Caspian Sea.
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- Year
- 2012
- Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Caspian Sea Marine EnvironmentMon, 20/02/2023 - 14:22Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Protection of the Caspian Sea Marine Environment was presented at the COP3 in Aktau, Kazakhstan, 10–12 August 2011. It contains an analysis and a number of recommendations to improve access to information and participation in decision-making and action towards the implementation o
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Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Protection of the Caspian Sea Marine Environment was presented at the COP3 in Aktau, Kazakhstan, 10–12 August 2011. It contains an analysis and a number of recommendations to improve access to information and participation in decision-making and action towards the implementation of the Tehran Convention and its Protocols at the local, national and regional levels.
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- Year
- 2011
- Draft Caspian Regional Action Plan on Marine LitterMon, 20/02/2023 - 12:33Marine litter, including plastic and microplastic, is a global concern affecting all the oceans and seas of the world. It poses environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problems that are rooted in poor solid waste management practices, lack of infrastructure, indiscriminate human activities and behaviours and an inadequ
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Marine litter, including plastic and microplastic, is a global concern affecting all the oceans and seas of the world. It poses environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problems that are rooted in poor solid waste management practices, lack of infrastructure, indiscriminate human activities and behaviours and an inadequate understanding on the part of the public of the potential consequences of their actions. Development of the Caspian Marine Litter Action Plan is embodied in the Moscow Protocol against pollution from land-based sources.
The preparation of the draft Caspian Regional Marine Litter Action Plan (CRMLAP) was undertaken by the national experts from the Caspian Sea littoral states and an international expert. For that purpose, five National Experts were contracted to provide their national inputs and contributions for the development of the Caspian Marine Litter Action Plan where the International Expert fully facilitates the development of the Caspian Marine Litter Action Plan.
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- Year
- 2020
- Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Climate Change in the Caspian Sea region - 2021Fri, 17/02/2023 - 09:23We are pleased to announce the publication of the Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Climate Change in the Caspian Sea region. This collection includes all the abstracts selected by the Organizing Committee of the Conference. In addition, in the Proceedings you will find introductory words by key speakers of eac
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We are pleased to announce the publication of the Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Climate Change in the Caspian Sea region. This collection includes all the abstracts selected by the Organizing Committee of the Conference. In addition, in the Proceedings you will find introductory words by key speakers of each section and welcome addresses from the guests of the Conference.
Scientific Conference on 27 and 28 October 2021 brought well over 80 leading scientists from the countries bordering the Caspian Sea together, to take stock and give a boost to research in the region underpinning the climate change policies and actions of Azerbaijan, IR Iran, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Turkmenistan.
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- Year
- 2021
- Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Water Quality Monitoring (2009)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:51This Regional Water Quality Monitoring Programme has been developed as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (Caspian MAP)”. This project has been financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU) which amongst others promotes regional co-operation on
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This Regional Water Quality Monitoring Programme has been developed as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (Caspian MAP)”. This project has been financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU) which amongst others promotes regional co-operation on environmental protection. On of the main objectives of the Caspian MAP is to support the Caspian Environment Programme (CEP), which is a partnership between the five littoral states - Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Turkmenistan, and International Partners like EU, UNDP, UNEP, and the World Bank. The CEP's mission is to assist the Caspian littoral states to achieve the goal of environmentally sustainable development and management of the Caspian environment for the sake of long-term benefit for the Caspian inhabitants.
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- Year
- 2009
- Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Pollution Action Plan (2009)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:48The Regional Pollution Action Plan for the Caspian Sea (RPAP), has been prepared as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (hereafter: Caspian MAP)”. The project is financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU), which has as one of its objectives th
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The Regional Pollution Action Plan for the Caspian Sea (RPAP), has been prepared as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (hereafter: Caspian MAP)”. The project is financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU), which has as one of its objectives the promotion of regional co-operation on environmental protection. The overall objective of the Caspian MAP is to achieve improved quality of the marine and coastal environment of the Caspian Sea. In particular, the RPAP (current Report) provides recommendations to regional strategies for pollution reduction, with a focus on the identified Areas of Pollution Concern. The Caspian MAP also developed a proposal for a Regional Water Quality Monitoring Program.
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- Year
- 2009
- Caspian Environment Programme - Contaminants from Terek River into Caspian Sea (2007)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:43In the frame of the current Project the estimation on contents of nutrients, petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols and heavy metals in water and bottom sediments in the basins of rivers Terek, Sulak and Samur over the last years was carried out. Research was conducted within a framework of the State Monitoring Programme on Roshydr
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In the frame of the current Project the estimation on contents of nutrients, petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols and heavy metals in water and bottom sediments in the basins of rivers Terek, Sulak and Samur over the last years was carried out. Research was conducted within a framework of the State Monitoring Programme on Roshydromet in the central and lower parts of the Terek delta. The data of Roshydromet standard investigations was used to assess the concentration of pollutants, namely petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, phenols, detergents, nutrients (nitrites, nitrates, ammonium and total nitrogen) and silicates, and also expenditure of river water during the estimation of their flows at hydrological Karagalinsky hydro system and
Alikazgan stations in the Terek delta. The Roshydromet data cover the period 2002-2005.- Attached documents
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- Year
- 2007
- Caspian Environmental Programme - Study and Survey Project to Determine the Fluxes of Major Contaminants from the Kura to Caspian Sea (2005)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:39The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and Caspian Environment Programme by supporting of UNDP agreed with NGO "Ruzgyar" to organize of 1st professional level monitoring of POPs in Kura-Araks basin till Caspian Sea. "Ruzgyar" contracted professional environmental research company "Azecolab" to implem
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The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and Caspian Environment Programme by supporting of UNDP agreed with NGO "Ruzgyar" to organize of 1st professional level monitoring of POPs in Kura-Araks basin till Caspian Sea. "Ruzgyar" contracted professional environmental research company "Azecolab" to implement of standard sampling and lab analytical processes.
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- Year
- 2005
- Caspian Environment Programme - Stakeholder Analysis Revisit (2004)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:36In 2001 the initial Caspian Regional Stakeholder Analysis was commissioned with the objective of identifying major stakeholder groups, their interests and impact on the Caspian environment. Also identification of potential conflicts between stakeholder groups was a key task of the initial study. In summer 2004 this follow-up
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In 2001 the initial Caspian Regional Stakeholder Analysis was commissioned with the objective of identifying major stakeholder groups, their interests and impact on the Caspian environment. Also identification of potential conflicts between stakeholder groups was a key task of the initial study. In summer 2004 this follow-up study was conducted in order to observe trends in stakeholder interests, perceptions and concerns as they pertain to activities of the Caspian Environment Programme.
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- Year
- 2004
- Map of Tourism in the Caspian Sea RegionTue, 05/06/2018 - 14:33Map of Tourism provided by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE (2018).
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Map of Tourism provided by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE (2018).
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- Year
- 2018
- Caspian Air Quality Maps - 2018Tue, 05/06/2018 - 12:06Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE Report 2018
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Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE Report 2018
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- Year
- 2018
- Article - Assessing the sensitivity of Caspian Kutum - Rutilus kutum- and the endangered Caspian trout - Salmo trutta caspius - to acute toxicity of nonylphenolMon, 23/04/2018 - 19:24Toxicity tests are commonly used as a tool to determine the standards of water quality for chemicals and to discover appropriate organisms as bioindicators in toxicological studies, and also could be used as an essential tool for evaluation of the pollutant effects in aquatic ecosystems. The aim of the present study was to e
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Toxicity tests are commonly used as a tool to determine the standards of water quality for chemicals and to discover appropriate organisms as bioindicators in toxicological studies, and also could be used as an essential tool for evaluation of the pollutant effects in aquatic ecosystems. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity of two Caspian fish species, Caspian trout as an endangered species and Caspian Kutum using the static acute toxicity in response to nonylphenol, which is widely discharged into the Caspian Sea environment.
In addition, Caspian trout was approximately 6 times more sensitive than Caspian Kutum. Nonylphenol was reflected to be "highly toxic" to Caspian trout and "moderately toxic" to Caspian Kutum. The results could be considered in preparing plans for conservation and restocking management of Caspian Kutum and the endangered Caspian trout.
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- Year
- 2013

Caspian Sea Region: Environmental Issues

Report: Marine Litter in the Caspian Sea, 2005

Public Participation Strategy for the Caspian Sea, 2005

Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme - 2012

Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Caspian Sea Marine Environment

Draft Caspian Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter

Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Climate Change in the Caspian Sea region - 2021

Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Water Quality Monitoring (2009)

Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Pollution Action Plan (2009)

Caspian Environment Programme - Contaminants from Terek River into Caspian Sea (2007)

Caspian Environmental Programme - Study and Survey Project to Determine the Fluxes of Major Contaminants from the Kura to Caspian Sea (2005)

Caspian Environment Programme - Stakeholder Analysis Revisit (2004)

Map of Tourism in the Caspian Sea Region

Caspian Air Quality Maps - 2018