This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian SeaMon, 20/02/2023 - 10:04Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit. The entry into force of the Agreement opens new opportunities not only for information exchange, but also for the interaction in other fields of hyd
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Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit.
The entry into force of the Agreement opens new opportunities not only for information exchange, but also for the interaction in other fields of hydrometeorology ranging from carrying out of observations to forecasting of weather and climate.
The final output of this cooperation is ensuring the safety of navigation and other activities in the water area and on the coast, which depend on changes of weather and climate. Everyone working in the Caspian Sea needs accurate hydrometeorological forecasts, timely storm alerts and the information required to design hydraulic structures.
Alongside with this, hydrometeorological information is essential for environmental protection, conservation of Caspian Sea biodiversity and efficient use of its natural resources. Now hydrometeorologists and ecologists may interact more closely: due to the signing of the Agreement there emerged a legal basis for the cooperation with the Tehran Convention.
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- Year
- 2014
- Agreement on Cooperation in Emergency Prevention and response in the Caspian SeaMon, 20/02/2023 - 09:46Agreement on Cooperation in Emergency Prevention and response in the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit. The cooperation in the field of civil protection in the Caspian Sea will contribute to disaster risk reduction and minimization of negative cons
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Agreement on Cooperation in Emergency Prevention and response in the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit.
The cooperation in the field of civil protection in the Caspian Sea will contribute to disaster risk reduction and minimization of negative consequences of emergency situations of natural and man-made disasters in the Caspian Sea. The agreement allows informing about the risk of an emergency, which could affect the state on the other hand, sharing experiences in the field of forecasting and monitoring of emergency situations, as well as training of the population to act in their threat and occurrence as well as to train and prepare experts in the field of civil protection educational institutions of member states.
The document is presented in all languages.
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- Year
- 2014
- Agreement on Conservation and Rational Use of the Aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian SeaMon, 20/02/2023 - 09:29Agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit. The Parties agree upon cooperation on (i) giving priority to the conservation of aquatic biological resources, (ii) sustaina
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Agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit.
The Parties agree upon cooperation on (i) giving priority to the conservation of aquatic biological resources, (ii) sustainable use of aquatic biological resources, (iii) application of accepted international rules, (iv) ecosystem preservation and biodiversity protection, (v) conservation of aquatic biological resources in scientific research and use this as a basis of common aquatic biological resources management, and (vi) taking measures for sustainable use and conservation of aquatic biological resources in the Caspian Sea and for management of common aquatic biological resources. The Parties shall develop the cooperation by research studies, data collection, exchange of scientific and technical documents, experience and information, preventive measures for illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and by development of short, medium and long-term programs for aquatic production and for their reintroduction into their natural habitats.
The document is presented in all languages.
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- Year
- 2014
- Convention on the legal status of the Caspian SeaMon, 20/02/2023 - 08:56The Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea is a treaty signed in Aktau, Kazakhstan, on 12 August 2018 by the presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan.
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The Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea is a treaty signed in Aktau, Kazakhstan, on 12 August 2018 by the presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan.
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- Year
- 2018
- Nature Protection Law of Turkmenistan / Охрана окружающей среды и природопользование в ТуркменистанеTue, 17/07/2018 - 10:16This publication is prepared within the framework of the OSCE project "Aarhus Center in Ashgabat." The project supports implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Turkmenistan through National Aarhus Center, which is designed to facilitate access the public to environmental information, participation in decisions related to
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This publication is prepared within the framework of the OSCE project "Aarhus Center in Ashgabat." The project supports implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Turkmenistan through National Aarhus Center, which is designed to facilitate access the public to environmental information, participation in decisions related to environmental issues and access to justice in matters relating to the environment. This collection of legislative acts is directed toward environmental organizations, public associations and citizens, interested in legislation in the field of environmental protection environment and nature management, as well as state bodies, in order to ensure public access to participation in nature protection. Compiler of the collection and the author of the preface is Kepbanov Y.A., Candidate of Legal Sciences.
Настоящее издание подготовлено в рамках проекта ОБСЕ «Орхус-центр в Ашхабаде». Проект предусматривает поддержку выполнения Орхусской конвенции в Туркменистане через Национальный Орхус-центр, который призван содействовать доступу общественности к экологической информации, участию в принятии решений, связанных с экологическими вопросами и доступу к правосудию по вопросам, касающимся окружающей среды. Настоящий сборник законодательных актов ориентирован на природоохранные организации, общественные объединения и граждан, интересующихся законодательством в области охраны окружающей среды и природопользования, а также государственные органы, обеспечивающие доступ общественности к участию в мероприятиях в области охраны природы. Составитель сборника и автор предисловия Кепбанов Ё.А. – кандидат юридических наук.
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- Year
- 2015
- Fish Concentrations in the Turkmen part of the Caspian SeaTue, 05/06/2018 - 10:46Основные места концентрации белуги, севрюги, осетра, кефали, судака, сельдей, воблы, сазана и рыбец в Туркменском секторе Каспия.
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Основные места концентрации белуги, севрюги, осетра, кефали, судака, сельдей, воблы, сазана и рыбец в Туркменском секторе Каспия.
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- Year
- 2018
- Recent Oil Spill Preparedness Developments in the Caspian Sea RegionMon, 23/04/2018 - 19:12Natural seeps and easily exploited surface deposits of crude oil on land have been utilized in the Caspian Sea region earlier than 300 BC. The modern-day picture is a region with oil reserves of global importance, facing a key challenge of the transportation of crude oil to markets. There has been considerable focus on devel
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Natural seeps and easily exploited surface deposits of crude oil on land have been utilized in the Caspian Sea region earlier than 300 BC. The modern-day picture is a region with oil reserves of global importance, facing a key challenge of the transportation of crude oil to markets. There has been considerable focus on developing oil spill preparedness in the Caspian Sea region. This has involved the governments, regional bodies, the oil industry and a range of other stakeholders and international organizations (notably UNEP, IMO and OSCE). This effort is in addition to the primary focus on preventing spills.
Countries are developing and implementing National Contingency Plans in order to have effective national response systems, which also act as the basis for regional cooperation.
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- Year
- 2015

Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea

Agreement on Cooperation in Emergency Prevention and response in the Caspian Sea

Agreement on Conservation and Rational Use of the Aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian Sea

Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea

Nature Protection Law of Turkmenistan / Охрана окружающей среды и природопользование в Туркменистане

Fish Concentrations in the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea