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Mon, 17/06/2024 - 12:26

First PrepCom to the COP7 of the Tehran Convention will be held online on 18-19 June 2024

First Preparatory Committee (PrepCom-1) to the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP7) to the Tehran Convention will be held online on 18-19 June 2024. COP7 is expected to take place in 2025 in Iran. 

The holding of the COP7 was designated by the Ministerial Statement and decisions of the Sixth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention (21 October 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan). COP7 will be held in the Islamic Republic of Iran in accordance with the alphabetical order of the English language.

During PrepCom-1 the participants will discuss the activities to start the implementation of the Moscow Protocol which entered into force in November 2023, priority actions for the Protocol for the Conservation of Biological Diversity ("Ashgabat Protocol") and the Protocol on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (EIA Protocol) to the Tehran Convention. The meeting will also discuss the Draft Terms of Reference and arrangements for the Scientific Network of the Caspian Sea Region.