Fri, 07/06/2024 - 06:10
New round of negotiations on the Protocol on Monitoring, Assessment and Information Exchange to be held in Baku
Negotiations continue on the Protocol on Monitoring, Assessment and Information Exchange to the Tehran Convention. A meeting to finalize the text of the Protocol will be held in Baku on 10-11 June 2014.
The negotiations on the Protocol on Monitoring, Assessment and Information Exchange were initiated by the decision of the Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention (COP5) of 30 May 2024.
Provisions of the Protocol on Monitoring, Assessment and Information Exchange will regulate standards and procedures for national reporting and provide a set of water quality objectives to strive for. The Protocol sets requirements on environmental monitoring, assessment, access to and exchange of environmental information, as well as procedural framework for implementation of the Protocol’s provisions.
Previous meeting on the Protocol on Monitoring, Assessment and Information Exchange was held online in April 2024.