В этом разделе представлены общедоступные документы и файлы, загруженные заинтересованными сторонами и хранителями окружающей среды Каспийского моря.
- The fifth report on implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Turkmenistanср, 07/18/2018 - 09:44The fifth report on implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Turkmenistan presents the findings on the current stage and the situation of the biodiversity in Turkmenistan. It underlines the importance of the biodiversity preservation and highlights the main areas for work. Отчёт подготовлен при поддержке
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The fifth report on implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Turkmenistan presents the findings on the current stage and the situation of the biodiversity in Turkmenistan. It underlines the importance of the biodiversity preservation and highlights the main areas for work.
Отчёт подготовлен при поддержке совместного проекта Министерства охраны природы, Программы развития ООН в Туркменистане и Глобального экологического Фонда, «Планирование национального биоразнообразия в поддержку выполнения Конвенции по Биоразнообразию. Стратегический план Туркменистана на 2011-2020 гг.».
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- Год
- 2015
- Biodiversity of the North East Caspian regionпн, 04/23/2018 - 18:44This brochure has been produced on behalf of the consortium developing the hydrocarbon deposits beneath the North East Caspian defined under the North Caspian Sea Production Sharing Agreement of 1997. The concession area lies in a region of rich biodiversity recognized as being of international importance for its wildlife,
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This brochure has been produced on behalf of the consortium developing the hydrocarbon deposits beneath the North East Caspian defined under the North Caspian Sea Production Sharing Agreement of 1997.
The concession area lies in a region of rich biodiversity recognized as being of international importance for its wildlife, including several species that are classified as endangered. The widely varying conditions in the North East Caspian include extreme seasonal temperature variations, long-term sea level change, short-term sea surges and retreats, high levels of turbidity and sediment movement, ice cover in winter and scouring of the seabed by moving ice.
This dynamic environment presents challenges for those who live and work in the area. It also means that the fauna and flora on land and at sea, are adapted to a significant level of environmental stress from continually changing physical conditions.
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- Год
- 2015
- Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan 2015пт, 04/20/2018 - 15:25Being an annual official statistical issue reflecting processes occurred in social, economic, demographic and ecological life of the country the yearbook is prepared based on data of statistical report forms, censuses, sample surveys and other statistical observation forms received by statistical bodies from enterprises, org
- Описание
Being an annual official statistical issue reflecting processes occurred in social, economic, demographic and ecological life of the country the yearbook is prepared based on data of statistical report forms, censuses, sample surveys and other statistical observation forms received by statistical bodies from enterprises, organizations, households and natural entities as well as from ministries, committees, departments and international organizations.
The Statistical Yearbook reflecting social-economic indicators of 2014 in comparison with indicators of 2005-2013 will meet data requirements of widerange of readers and other users.
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- Год
- 2015

The fifth report on implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Turkmenistan