This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Тенгизшевройл. "Охрана окружающей средыFri, 10/08/2018 - 06:14Информационная газета ТОО "Тенгизшевройл"
- Description
Информационная газета ТОО "Тенгизшевройл"
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- Year
- 2013
- Водные ресурсы и водообеспеченность территории КазахстанаMon, 30/07/2018 - 07:19Алматы: КазНТУ, 2008.
- Description
Алматы: КазНТУ, 2008.
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- Year
- 2008
- The III-VI National Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)Mon, 23/07/2018 - 07:53The Third–Sixth National Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC)
- Description
The Third–Sixth National Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC)
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- Year
- 2013
- Каспий теңізінің теңіз ортасын қорғау жөніндегі негіздемелік конвенциясын орындау туралы қазақстан республикасының баяндамасыSun, 08/07/2018 - 23:03Қазақстанның Тегеран конвенциясының міндеттемелерін орындау жөніндегі қызметіне шолу
- Description
Қазақстанның Тегеран конвенциясының міндеттемелерін орындау жөніндегі қызметіне шолу
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- Year
- 2013
- Национальный доклад Республики Казахстан о выполнении по Тегеранской конвенции по защите морской среды Каспийского моря за 2013 годSun, 08/07/2018 - 22:58Обзор деятельности Казахстана по выполнению обязательств по Тегеранской конвенции
- Description
Обзор деятельности Казахстана по выполнению обязательств по Тегеранской конвенции
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- Year
- 2013
- Report on the Republic of Kazakhstan on implementation of the framework convention for the protection of the marine environment of the Caspian seaSun, 08/07/2018 - 22:55Review of Kazakhstan's activities in fulfillment of obligations under the Tehran Convention
- Description
Review of Kazakhstan's activities in fulfillment of obligations under the Tehran Convention
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- Year
- 2013
- Aktau forum on the problems conservation of the Caspian Sea biodiversitySat, 21/04/2018 - 11:28The Forum is the first event held in the framework of theDay of Caspian Sea celebration . "Oil and gas offshore fields' development, which is beingcarried out at difficult geological conditions, increases man-caused impacts on environment of the region and creates real emergencies, including oil spills, as hydrocarbon depos+1
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The Forum is the first event held in the framework of theDay of Caspian Sea celebration .
"Oil and gas offshore fields' development, which is beingcarried out at difficult geological conditions, increases man-caused impacts on environment of the region and creates real emergencies, including oil spills, as hydrocarbon deposits are located in an ecologically sensitive area of the sea. The consequences of possible industrial accident capable of impacting the territories of neighboring countries", said Bapy.
According to his words, for monitoring of oil fields in thenorth-eastern part of the sea, there was established the North Caspian ecological base for oil spill response. "Ak Beren" blowout response group specialists are annually trained in the UK.
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- Year
- 2013
- The Ural River Sturgeons: Population Dynamics, Catch, Reasons for Decline and Restoration StrategiesSat, 21/04/2018 - 11:06The Ural sturgeon yield-to-fishery relative to river discharge was the highest in the Caspian Sea till recently. The environmental conditions to secure natural reproduction are still satisfactory for successful sturgeon reproduction. However, nowadays the catch in all regional sturgeon species is negligible. The Ural sturgeo
- Description
The Ural sturgeon yield-to-fishery relative to river discharge was the highest in the Caspian Sea till recently. The environmental conditions to secure natural reproduction are still satisfactory for successful sturgeon reproduction. However, nowadays the catch in all regional sturgeon species is negligible. The Ural sturgeon population dynamics are analyzed along with some anthropogenic and natural factors affecting them. It is argued that legal overfishing (including all legal means of fish removal), based upon (a) faulty estimations of sturgeon stock and catch limits and (b) inappropriate fishery policies are the principal reasons for the stock decline in the Ural. The maintenance of the natural reproduction in the Ural is considered to be the primary strategy for the stock replenishment. If used at all, artificial propagation should be used only as an additional secondary option exclusively at the historical sturgeon habitats upstream the Ural river and not in the river delta, where the hatcheries are located now. Transboundary cooperation of basin countries with active inter- national involvement is essential to prevent further deterioration of the situation. ***The attached copy is furnished to the author for non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the author’s institution, sharing with colleagues and providing to institution administration. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the chapter (e.g. in Word or TEX form) to their personal website or institutional repository.***
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- Year
- 2008
Тенгизшевройл. "Охрана окружающей среды
Водные ресурсы и водообеспеченность территории Казахстана
The III-VI National Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Каспий теңізінің теңіз ортасын қорғау жөніндегі негіздемелік конвенциясын орындау туралы қазақстан республикасының баяндамасы
Национальный доклад Республики Казахстан о выполнении по Тегеранской конвенции по защите морской среды Каспийского моря за 2013 год
Report on the Republic of Kazakhstan on implementation of the framework convention for the protection of the marine environment of the Caspian sea

Aktau forum on the problems conservation of the Caspian Sea biodiversity