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Caspian Sea Day 2024 - Nature of Turkmensitan


Welcome to the breathtaking nature of Turkmenistan’s Caspian coast! A land where the sea meets the sky, home to diverse marine life and majestic coastal birds. From the serene shores to the vibrant wetlands, witness the beauty of this unique ecosystem.

Attached documents
  • KZ Report: Legislative and institutional frameworks for the protection and sustainable management of the Caspian Sea environment
    Sat, 21/12/2024 - 15:40
    In the Caspian Sea basin Mangistauskaya and Atyrauskaya oblast of Kazakhstan are located. The Ecological program of Mangistuskaya oblast for 2005-2007 directed to solve such problems as liquidation of historical pollution, biodiversity conservation and prevention of desertification and soil degradation, reduction of the volu
  • Document

    KZ Report: Legislative and institutional frameworks for the protection and sustainable management of the Caspian Sea environment


    In the Caspian Sea basin Mangistauskaya and Atyrauskaya oblast of Kazakhstan are located. The Ecological program of Mangistuskaya oblast for 2005-2007 directed to solve such problems as liquidation of historical pollution, biodiversity conservation and prevention of desertification and soil degradation, reduction of the volumes of industrial and household waste, etc. All regional programs are obligatory submitted to the approval of Ministry of Environment Protection of Republic of Kazakhstan (MoEP RK), and then it can be approved in regional Maslikhats. The Ecological program of Atyrauskaya oblast for 2006 - 2008 is approved in the MoEP and now is on the confirmation in the regional Maslikhat.

  • Monitoring of the Caspian Seal in Turkmenistan, January – October, 2022
    Thu, 23/03/2023 - 08:31
    The Khazarskiy State Nature Reserve, the Caspian Group of the IUCN Joint SSC-WCPA Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force, Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan; e-mail address:
  • Document

    Monitoring of the Caspian Seal in Turkmenistan, January – October, 2022


    The Khazarskiy State Nature Reserve, the Caspian Group of the IUCN Joint SSC-WCPA Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force, Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan; e-mail address:

  • Special Issue of CAT news. The Persian Leopard: Status of Persian leopards in northern Iran and Central Asia
    Thu, 16/03/2023 - 17:09
    The Persian leopard Panthera pardus tulliana is an endangered large felid living in mountainous landscapes of the Caucasus, Southwest Asia and parts of Central Asia. In this paper, we review available literature to update our information on the status, population, ecology, threats, and management recommendations in regard to
  • Document

    Special Issue of CAT news. The Persian Leopard: Status of Persian leopards in northern Iran and Central Asia


    The Persian leopard Panthera pardus tulliana is an endangered large felid living in mountainous landscapes of the Caucasus, Southwest Asia and parts of Central Asia. In this paper, we review available literature to update our information on the status, population, ecology, threats, and management recommendations in regard to this big cat in the region. Most of the Alborz and Kopetdag Ecoregions harbour the largest population of Persian leopard with some protected areas having the highest densities of these carnivores. A total of 348 to 440 leopards are guessed to exist in the region, making it one of the largest continuous leopard hotspots across Asia. Almost 80% of the population exists in Iran, followed by Turkmenistan which holds the second largest Persian leopard population, while the leopard population in Kazakhstan mainly depends on transboundary transient individuals from Turkmenistan.

  • National Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Implementation of the Tehran Convention for 2019-2020
    Mon, 07/03/2022 - 23:05
    The purpose of the Report is to review the activities of Kazakhstan related to implementation of obligations under the Tehran Convention in the period from 2019 to 2020. It includes an analysis of the decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention and the national environmental legislation, as well as a
  • Document

    National Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Implementation of the Tehran Convention for 2019-2020


    The purpose of the Report is to review the activities of Kazakhstan related to implementation of obligations under the Tehran Convention in the period from 2019 to 2020. It includes an analysis of the decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention and the national environmental legislation, as well as an overview of programme documents of Kazakhstan aimed at protecting the Caspian Sea environment.

  • Celebration of the Caspian Day in Turkmenistan
    Fri, 28/09/2018 - 14:56
    The goal of the project is to raise understanding of the importance of the Caspian Sea issues and to raise support of the public locally and nation-wide regarding Caspian Sea environmental issues. Objectives of the project include the organization and performance of the coast-wide awareness campaign in Turkmenbashi and Awaz
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    Celebration of the Caspian Day in Turkmenistan


    The goal of the project is to raise understanding of the importance of the Caspian Sea issues and to raise support of the public locally and nation-wide regarding Caspian Sea environmental issues.

    Objectives of the project include the organization and performance of the coast-wide awareness campaign in Turkmenbashi and Awaza area devoted to the Caspian Sea Day celebration.

      project implementation

    Preparatory phase

    The project personal performed the following project activities:


    1. Preparation of letters to the related agencies to receive support in holding the event;

    2. To determine agencies, speakers and their presentations at the conference devoted to the Caspian Day;

    3. Printing and distribution of colorful booklets-containing agenda and additional material;

    4. Purchase of gifts for the schoolchildren;

    5. Design and printing of 70 sets of T-shirts and 70 copies of caps;

    6. Printing of banners;

    7. Procurement of stationeries including color pencils, flipcharts, paper, color chalks and etc.;

    8. Preparation of the detailed program of the events, hiring theatrical performance groups, hiring and working with volunteers;

    9. Working out the scenario of the event;

    10. Making agreements with the persons, who will assist in arranging holiday performances in Turkmenbashi city.

    The project prepared and agreed the program of Celebration with the Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan. The mentioned ministry bore expenses for the air tickets and hotel rooms for 25 persons from Ashgabat. The Caspian Day was celebrated in two hotels in the National zone of “Avaza”. The first part – the conference «Ecology of the Caspian Sea: international cooperation for the sake of a sustainable development» was held in “Hasyl” Hotel and the second part – in “Dayanch” Hotel on the Caspian coast. The events were planned for August 11-12, 2014.

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  • КазМунайГаз
    Fri, 17/08/2018 - 13:03
    Годовой отчет за 2016 г.
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    Годовой отчет за 2016 г.

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  • КазМунайГаз
    Fri, 17/08/2018 - 12:44
    Годовой отчет АО "КазМунайГаз" за 2015 год
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    Годовой отчет АО "КазМунайГаз" за 2015 год

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  • Колебания уровня каспийского моря и диагностика современных изменений положения береговой линии по спутниковым данным Landsat периода 2005…2015 годов
    Thu, 09/08/2018 - 13:45
    Рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с проблемой колебаний уровня Каспийского моря и их влияний на прибрежную зону казах-станского сектора. По данным картирования спутниковых снимков площадь осушения в северо-восточной части Каспийского моря в период между 2005 и 2015 гг. составила 5055 км2. В некоторых районах море отступило на 2
  • Document

    Колебания уровня каспийского моря и диагностика современных изменений положения береговой линии по спутниковым данным Landsat периода 2005…2015 годов


    Рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с проблемой колебаний уровня Каспийского моря и их влияний на прибрежную зону казах-станского сектора. По данным картирования спутниковых снимков площадь осушения в северо-восточной части Каспийского моря в период между 2005 и 2015 гг. составила 5055 км2. В некоторых районах море отступило на 25 км

    Attached documents
  • Национальный доклад Республики Казахстан о состоянии водных ресурсов и основные проблемы современного управления
    Tue, 24/07/2018 - 15:16
    В Национальном докладе представлены значения показателей, характеризующие взаимосвязь состояния окружающей среды и показателей социально–экономического развития.
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    Национальный доклад Республики Казахстан о состоянии водных ресурсов и основные проблемы современного управления


    В Национальном докладе представлены значения показателей, характеризующие взаимосвязь состояния окружающей среды и показателей социально–экономического развития.

  • Биологическое разнообразие
    Tue, 24/07/2018 - 15:15
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    Биологическое разнообразие



    Attached documents
  • Современное состояние популяции севрюги Acipenser Stellatus (Pallas, 1776) реки Урал
    Tue, 24/07/2018 - 15:08
    Вестник АГТУ 
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    Современное состояние популяции севрюги Acipenser Stellatus (Pallas, 1776) реки Урал


    Вестник АГТУ 

  • Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан
    Tue, 24/07/2018 - 15:01
    Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан в 2010 году
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    Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан


    Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан в 2010 году

    Attached documents
  • Отчет по показателям по биоразнообразию Казахстана
    Tue, 24/07/2018 - 14:50
    Отчет по показателям по биоразнообразию Казахстана
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    Отчет по показателям по биоразнообразию Казахстана


    Отчет по показателям по биоразнообразию Казахстана

  • National Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Implementation of the Tehran Convention
    Mon, 23/07/2018 - 14:06
    Review of Kazakhstan's activities in fulfillment of obligations under the Tehran Convention
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    National Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Implementation of the Tehran Convention


    Review of Kazakhstan's activities in fulfillment of obligations under the Tehran Convention

  • The III-VI National Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
    Mon, 23/07/2018 - 07:53
    The Third–Sixth National Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC)   
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    The III-VI National Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


    The Third–Sixth National Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC) 


  • Turkmenistan Red Data Book Plants and Funghi
    Wed, 11/07/2018 - 09:19
    The Red Data Book of Turkmenistan Volume 1: Plants and Fungi Ed. 3rd, Revised and updated — Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, 2011. — 288 pp. The Book contains data on 115 species of plants, described in the articles with the reference to the status, category, importance for the gene pool preservation, brief description, distributio
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    Turkmenistan Red Data Book Plants and Funghi


    The Red Data Book of Turkmenistan

    Volume 1: Plants and Fungi Ed. 3rd, Revised and updated — Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, 2011. — 288 pp.

    The Book contains data on 115 species of plants, described in the articles with the reference to the status, category, importance for the gene pool preservation, brief description, distribution, habitat, number, biological peculiarities, limiting factors, information on the introduction in cultivation, applied and proposed conservation actions, as well research proposals.

    The contents of the book includes 3 species of Fungi (Eumycota), 5 species of Lichens, 2 species of Bryophyta, 8 species of Polypodiophyta, 97 species of Magnolyophyta (Anglosperms). Each article is supported by a picture and a graphic map of the species distribution in Turkmenistan. The Book is intended for nature protection services, specialists in the field of botany and ecology, teachers and students of higher educational institutions and secondary schools as well as the broad range of readers interested in the country’s flora.

  • Statistical Yearbook, Kazakhstan in 2011
    Mon, 09/07/2018 - 11:55
    Statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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    Statistical Yearbook, Kazakhstan in 2011


    Statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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  • Report on the Republic of Kazakhstan on implementation of the framework convention for the protection of the marine environment of the Caspian sea
    Sun, 08/07/2018 - 22:55
    Review of Kazakhstan's activities in fulfillment of obligations under the Tehran Convention
  • Document

    Report on the Republic of Kazakhstan on implementation of the framework convention for the protection of the marine environment of the Caspian sea


    Review of Kazakhstan's activities in fulfillment of obligations under the Tehran Convention

  • Turkmenbashi Port Master Plan
    Tue, 05/06/2018 - 11:31
    The objective of the project is to assist Turkmenistan in diversifying and improving its access to world markets. The project involves trade facilitation and corporatization of the client, introducing the concepts of accountability and cost recovery in readiness for TSA's conversion into a commercially managed autonomous ent
  • Document

    Turkmenbashi Port Master Plan


    The objective of the project is to assist Turkmenistan in diversifying and improving its access to world markets. The project involves trade facilitation and corporatization of the client, introducing the concepts of accountability and cost recovery in readiness for TSA's conversion into a commercially managed autonomous entity.
