This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Caspian Sea Region: Environmental IssuesSat, 21/12/2024 - 16:01At the meeting point of the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, the Caspian region includes steppe land in the north, cold, continental deserts and semi-deserts in the northeast and east, and warmer mountain and highland systems in the south and southwest. The coastal wetlands of the Caspian basin include many shallow, saline poo
- Description
At the meeting point of the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, the Caspian region includes steppe land in the north, cold, continental deserts and semi-deserts in the northeast and east, and warmer mountain and highland systems in the south and southwest. The coastal wetlands of the Caspian basin include many shallow, saline pools, which attract a variety of bird life and biodiversity; over 400 species are unique to the Caspian. In addition, the sea's native sturgeon is famous the world around for the roe it produces: sturgeon from the Caspian Sea accounts for approximately 90% of the world's caviar industry.
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- Year
- 2003
- Public Participation Strategy for the Caspian Sea, 2005Sat, 21/12/2024 - 15:09Public Participation is stimulated in key international instruments such as the 1998 Aarhus Convention (Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Matters), signed and ratified by many of the Caspian Sea countries, and builds on the requirements of the Commission on Sustainable Development to promo
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Public Participation is stimulated in key international instruments such as the 1998 Aarhus Convention (Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Matters), signed and ratified by many of the Caspian Sea countries, and builds on the requirements of the Commission on Sustainable Development to promote the implementation of Agenda 21 and the follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Public participation is required within the Aarhus Convention and is in line with the principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
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- Year
- 2005
- Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Climate Change in the Caspian Sea region - 2021Fri, 17/02/2023 - 09:23We are pleased to announce the publication of the Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Climate Change in the Caspian Sea region. This collection includes all the abstracts selected by the Organizing Committee of the Conference. In addition, in the Proceedings you will find introductory words by key speakers of eac
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We are pleased to announce the publication of the Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Climate Change in the Caspian Sea region. This collection includes all the abstracts selected by the Organizing Committee of the Conference. In addition, in the Proceedings you will find introductory words by key speakers of each section and welcome addresses from the guests of the Conference.
Scientific Conference on 27 and 28 October 2021 brought well over 80 leading scientists from the countries bordering the Caspian Sea together, to take stock and give a boost to research in the region underpinning the climate change policies and actions of Azerbaijan, IR Iran, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Turkmenistan.
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- Year
- 2021
- Природные пастбища и развитие отгонного животноводства в ТуркменистанеTue, 10/07/2018 - 10:04Для Туркменистана опустынивание является одной из серьёзнейших экологических и социально-экономических проблем. Каракумы занимают почти всю равнинную территорию Туркменистана и относятся к песчаным пустыням, образованным отложениями древнего речного стока, которые при нерациональном использовании растительного и почвенного п
- Description
Для Туркменистана опустынивание является одной из серьёзнейших экологических и социально-экономических проблем. Каракумы занимают почти всю равнинную территорию Туркменистана и относятся к песчаным пустыням, образованным отложениями древнего речного стока, которые при нерациональном использовании растительного и почвенного покрова легко подвергаются дефляции. Происходит образование барханных песков, которые наносят большой ущерб населённым пунктам, различным инженерным объектам хозяйственного и социально-культурного назначения. Кинга рассказывает о работе, проделанной в стране по выполнению основных положений Конвенции по борьбе с опустыниванием и поиск эффективных способов устойчивого управления пастбищными угодьями, обеспечивающие непрерывное повышение их продуктивности, сокращение площади деградированных участков и увеличение поголовья скота. Данное издание подготовлено и опубликовано в рамках реализации Проекта Адаптационного фонда (АФ), Программы развития ООН (ПРООН) и Государственного комитета Туркменистана по охране окружающей среды и земельным ресурсам «Реагирование на риски, связанные с изменением климата, на систему фермерского хозяйства в Туркменистане на национальном и местном уровнях».
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- Year
- 2018
- Пернатые гости города (эссе) - Feathery Guests EssayMon, 09/07/2018 - 12:43Документ содержит два эссе о птицах Туркменского побережья Каспийского моря: 1) "Пернатые гости города"; 2) "Летите, птицы, к нам на Каспий!".
- Description
Документ содержит два эссе о птицах Туркменского побережья Каспийского моря:
1) "Пернатые гости города";
2) "Летите, птицы, к нам на Каспий!".
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- Year
- 2018
- Caspian Environment Programme - Stakeholder Analysis Revisit (2004)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:36In 2001 the initial Caspian Regional Stakeholder Analysis was commissioned with the objective of identifying major stakeholder groups, their interests and impact on the Caspian environment. Also identification of potential conflicts between stakeholder groups was a key task of the initial study. In summer 2004 this follow-up
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In 2001 the initial Caspian Regional Stakeholder Analysis was commissioned with the objective of identifying major stakeholder groups, their interests and impact on the Caspian environment. Also identification of potential conflicts between stakeholder groups was a key task of the initial study. In summer 2004 this follow-up study was conducted in order to observe trends in stakeholder interests, perceptions and concerns as they pertain to activities of the Caspian Environment Programme.
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- Year
- 2004
- Article - Review of pollution sources and controls in Caspian Sea regionMon, 23/04/2018 - 18:24Daily extractions of crude oil and gas and transportation of them are the main pollution sources of the Caspian Sea. Many trucks for charring oil from ports along the Caspian Sea are considered as point and nonpoint sources along the seaboard. In addition, many ships, which are navigating in the Sea, are emitting pollution t
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Daily extractions of crude oil and gas and transportation of them are the main pollution sources of the Caspian Sea. Many trucks for charring oil from ports along the Caspian Sea are considered as point and nonpoint sources along the seaboard. In addition, many ships, which are navigating in the Sea, are emitting pollution to the Sea. Many cities and industries surround the Caspian Sea. Pollution from these cities and industries enter the Caspian Sea either directly or through rivers. The purpose of this paper is to look at the benefits of environmental management strategies in pollution prevention such as waste minimization and clean technologies. This minimizes the environmental problems due to waste generation and eliminates the cost of treatment and disposal of the waste. The benefits of the environmental management program along the Caspian Sea will ensure the clean water and the better environment of the Sea.
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- Year
- 2009

Caspian Sea Region: Environmental Issues

Public Participation Strategy for the Caspian Sea, 2005

Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Climate Change in the Caspian Sea region - 2021

Природные пастбища и развитие отгонного животноводства в Туркменистане

Пернатые гости города (эссе) - Feathery Guests Essay

Caspian Environment Programme - Stakeholder Analysis Revisit (2004)